Tuesday, 11 June 2013

EUROPE 101. It’s not rocket science.

How hard can having a holiday be?

For 101 days and nights, Sunshine Coast Daily travel editor Shirley Sinclair will find out as she takes on Europe.

But while she has become learned in the customs, charms and scenic beauty of Australia, the Pacific and Asia, she is a first-time student in what awaits on the other side of the world in Europe.

As well as mastering the geography, she has had to study up on individual towns and cities, get her head around the rail network, research things to do and places to go, and turn maths professor in juggling the travel budget.

Join her as she embarks on a trip of a lifetime. Follow her progress from landing at Gatwick airport to her departure three-and-a-half months later. Each day, she will upload a photo of an iconic, unusual or interesting spot as well as a map to track the trip’s progress.

Will six months of planning end in a pass-able holiday or one with high distinction?